A a member of the bean family, red clover has a long history of being a nutritious cattle fodder, as well as a medicine. The use of red clover as an herbal remedy goes back centuries, and the plant enjoys a history of both topical and internal applications. It’s known scientifically as Trifolium pratense. He states it may have value in childhood eczema, but also psoriasis, coughs and bronchitis, and whooping cough. Due to its many beneficial uses, it has been naturalized in Australia and North America. The Chinese revere red clover (Hsun Tsao) as a tonic, using the sap to treat colds and influenza. Red clover is used to cure respiratory problems, whooping cough, eczema, cancer and psoriasis. Safety: High. It thrives in both dry soil or moist and flowers from May to September. It is widely grown as a fodder crop, valued for its nitrogen fixation, which increases soil fertility. Red clover is an excellent blood purifier that over time gradually cleanses the bloodstream and corrects deficiencies in the circulatory system. Atkinson, Charlotte, et al. Compresses are used for arthritic pains and gout. It was introduced to England in the middle of the 17th century (Evans, 1976). A a member of the bean family, red clover has a long history of being a nutritious cattle fodder, as well as a medicine. Red clover’s flavor can be described as being complex with both sweet and bean-like elements. It is a vigorous establisher and good yielder in the establishment year. One of its common uses is to help with overall cardiovascular health. Contemporary Chinese researchers have proven that the herb kills certain viral and fungal infections, has an estrogenlike function, and is an antispasmodic and expectorant. Felter, Harvey. Current applications: David Hoffman, in Holistic Herbal mentions, that red clover is one of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems (Hoffman, 1988). It has been shown to thin the blood and reduce the possibility of blood clots and arterial plaques. It got introduced to USA in late 1600’s by European colonists. Characteristics: Red clover is a member of the legume family and is native to central Asia (Wood, 2011). email us enquiries@watsonseeds.com. Energetics: Cooling, moistening. Wood, Matthew. A concentrated decoction was applied to the tumour site which, apparently, encouraged the tumour to grow outward and eventually clear the body. German Mennonites brought the plant with them to North and South America; and, to this day, it is still used to treat whooping cough, croup, and stomach cancer. Health benefits of red clover . Red Clover was originally dubbed ’The herb of Hippocrates’ as it formed an important ingredient in his medical endeavours. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000. The phytoestrogens in red clover may be expected to act through estrogenic mechanisms with the associated risk of estrogen-like adverse effects, including increased incidence of endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancers. Russian folk healers and traditional Chinese physicians have long used Red Clover for asthma, bronchitis and to clear the lungs. Red clover is one of the most popularly used true clovers in the UK. The roots are used to treat diphtheria. Dosage: 5-60 drops of tincture 2-3 times daily. Ancients called it Triphyllon, meaning “three leaves”. please check out our Red Clover PDF magazine. Mean total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and triglyceride levels also decreased; only the decrease in triglycerides was significant compared with the placebo. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Red clover ointments have been used topically to accelerate wound healing and to treat psoriasis, eczema, and rashes. The plant was thought to purify the blood by promoting urine and mucus production, improving circulation, and stimulating secretion of bile. 451 likes. “The new healing herbs.” Bantam Book, New York (2001): 465-471. Affinities: Immune system, respiratory system, integumentary system, digestive system, nervous system, lymphatic system Red Clover Herbal Recipe. It has hairy and hollow stems as well as branches. Latin name: Trifolium pratense Red clover was one of the herbs in the ex-coal miner Harry Hoxsey’s alternative treatment for cancer (Castleman, 2001). Red clover is a perennial plant which has short life span and adapts well to wet, low pH soils. He mentions it has affinity for glands in the body such as for swollen parotids, salivary gland congestion or excess secretion, lymphatic congestion, and other swollen, puffed up problems with glands. The crescent markings across the clover leaflets were once viewed as a sign that the plant would help cataracts since, in accordance with the Doctrine of Signatures, a plant’s appearance indicates the ailments it treats. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a wild flowering plant belonging to the same family as peas and beans. Red Clover is an herb that holds a rich history as a religious and magical symbol. Ointments are used on lymphatic swellings and made by covering fresh flowers with water and simmering in a slow cooker for forty-eight hours. Red clover originates in South-East Europe and Asia Minor (Smith et al., 1985). Red Clover’s Benefits Red clover has been used for centuries for its blood cleansing and anti-cancer properties, it has also been used as a natural diuretic, nerve tonic, expectorant, demulcent, mild laxative, gentle antispasmodic, and it is a natural blood thinner (so should not be used by anyone on blood thinning medication). Red Clover spread to England around 1650, and was eventually carried to North America by British colonists. Red clover originates in South-East Europe and Asia Minor (Smith et al., 1985). Common Medicinal Herbs For Natural Health. Red Clover has a long history of use as a nutritious cattle food, although in this article we will focus more on its medicinal benefits! An eyewash from diluted tinctures or a well-strained infusion is used to treat conjunctivitis. Red clover has a long history of use by folk healers who have implemented it for treating illnesses that include whooping cough, tuberculosis and athlete’s foot. Although red clover grows wild in little patches, you can buy seeds and cultivate it yourself. As a nutritious crop it helps to fix nutrients in the soil and at the same time feeding grazing animals. For educational purposes only. Red clover does not have stolon’s but has a deeper and longer-lived tap root, when plants are damaged (over-grazing, wheel damage, root disease), they cannot re-populate the pasture like white clover. History of Red Clover This herb has long been cultivated for agricultural and therapeutic use throughout history. Red Clover leaf is a staple of herbal blood cleansing formulas and has a long history of use as a medicinal herb. Red Clover is primarily nutritive, but also used to support proper lymphatic function (alterative), immune support, healthy skin, and proper endocrine function. The volatile oils in Red Clover are thought to have mild anti-inflammatory properties useful in treating eczema and other skin inflammations. Prostate cancer: One study (N=36, non-randomised, non-blinded, no placebo) found in men with prostate cancer who had just undergone a radical prostatectomy in the group that consumed 160 mg/day of red clover-derived dietary isoflavones, there was significantly higher apoptosis compared with the control group (Jarred, 2002). Native to Europe, central Asia, and northern Africa, red clover was long ago naturalized in North America and Australia. For comprehensive information (e.g. For these reasons, it is used as a green manure crop. Respirator… Actions: Alterative, expectorant, antispasmodic, sedative, nutritive It also contains compounds that help calm coughs and reduce airway congestion. Traditional Chinese doctors have used red clover in expectorant blends since ancient times. sativum. During the pagan era, red clover was said to be able to protect against witchcraft and evil spirits. Alsike clover, a perennial species sometimes called Swedish clover, or Alsatian clover, bears globular rosy-pink flower heads. “Red clover-derived isoflavones and mammographic breast density: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial [ISRCTN42940165].” Breast Cancer Research 6.3 (2004): R170. It has become naturalised in many temperate areas, including the Americas and Australasia as an escape from cultivation. Red Clover is contraindicated in patients with a history of breast cancer and during pregnancy or lactation. There is good evidence in humans red clover helps with menopause symptoms (Hidalgo et al., 2005). As a member of the bean family, red clover has a long history of being nutritious cattle fodder, as well as a medicine. History: Red clover has a long history of use as a religious symbol, the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Celts of pre-Christian Ireland all revered it (Castleman, 2001). Jarred, Renea A., et al. Red Clover should not be taken with Coumadin or other blood-thinning medication. The flower heads consist of a mass of egg-shaped pink to purple flowers, and collected when newly opened in summer. Its estrogenic effects may be of value in treating menopausal complaints. It is used mainly to treat skin conditions, and normally in combination with such purifying herbs as burdock and yellow dock. This is one reason youll find red clover as an ingredient in Jon Barrons Blood Support f… The flowers … Request contact from a Seed Specialist . Powles TJ, Howell A, Evans DG, et al. Trifolium hybridum, alsike or Swedish clover, is a perennial which was introduced early in the 19th century and has now become naturalized in Britain. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Traditional Chinese doctors have used red clover in expectorant blends since ancient times. Several cultivar groups have been selected for agricultural use, mostly derived from T. pratense var. In the 1930s, it was a popular anticancer remedy and may still be prescribed for breast, ovarian, and lymphatic cancer sufferers. Once established it’s capable of rapid growth and shows reasonably good persistence up to three years, although ongoing breeding work is being carried out to increase plant persistence. Specific indications: Dry scaly skin, dry tear ducts or salivary glands, insomnia in children, lymphatic congestion, children with skin problems Like soybeans and other legumes, red clover is rich in isoflavone compounds which have effects similar to estrogen. Its trifoliate leaves have been associated with the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother, and Crone and are also a popular reminder of life’s constant rebirth and evolution. For skin problems, it combines well with yellow dock and nettles. (Wood, 2011). It can readily be found growing wild in grasslands, roadsides, ditches, and hedgebanks and will quickly follow into freshly cultivated territory. Since, Red Clover … They have potential for cancer preventive and cardioprotective properties, reducing menopausal symptoms, and bone protective effects. Red clover is a wild edible plant belonging to the legume family that is commonly used as food for cattle. 0 (Kahnt, 2008). The plant is a perennial herb, growing to sixteen inches, producing hairy upright stems and leaves with three or four leaflets with a white crescent marking. Red Clover was highly regarded in the ancient world as a cleansing medicinal herb, especially when chronic disease had set into the lungs or the skin. A 1917 herb book, Health From Field and Forest, listed red clover as one of the best blood purifiers, especially in the case of cancer. Menopause Int 2008;14(1):6-12. Another early fan was Pliny who suggested taking it with wine for kidney stones and water retention. It relieves irritability of the respiratory tract, alleviating dry irritable and spasmodic cough…. Freshly crushed flowers are applied to insect bites and stings. However, avoid use of the standardised isoflavone products during pregnancy (Kuhn and Winston, 2000). History. Red clover isoflavones are safe and well tolerated in women with a family history of breast cancer. A review of the potential skeletal benefit of red clover concluded that there was limited evidence of efficacy. There is preliminary evidence in humans that red clover isoflavones could be used to help the conventional treatment of prostate cancer as increased apoptosis of prostate cancer cells was seen in the treatment group (Jarred, 2002). A well-controlled study observed a protective effect on the lumbar spine in women through attenuation of bone loss (Atkinson et al., 2004). The Eclectic physicians in the 19th and early 20th centuries used red clover, as Harvey Felter wrote in a 1922 Eclectic text, ‘Trifolium is alterative and antispasmodic. Note, however, that research hasn't shown that the herb is conclusively effective for these or any other health concerns. Herbal therapy and supplements: a scientific and traditional approach. Typically, red clover is grown as a cover crop, so finding little seed packets at a garden store is unlikely. Red clover is a flowering plant and, like lentils and beans, a type of legume. Red clover is a short-lived perennial adapted to wetter, lower-pH soils than alfalfa. Hoffman, David. Russian folk healers are said to have used red clover for … Red clover contains coumarins, substances that reduce blood clotting. In the 1930s, it was a popular anticancer remedy and may still be prescribed for breast, ovarian, and lymphatic cancer sufferers. It was introduced to England in the middle of the 17th century (Evans, 1976). Long hailed as a purifier red cover was used as a symbol of purity since medieval times, helping to ward off disease as much as to ward off witches and evil spirits. Historically, red clover was highly lauded for its magical powers. Bone density: One study (N=177, double blind placebo controlled) found that through attenuation of bone loss, red clover derived isoflavones appear to have protective effect on the lumbar spine in women (Atkinson et al., 2004). Matthew Wood describes red clover as a nutritive tonic, and that it is soothing to dry, irritable tissues. Menopausal symptoms: A study (N=60, double blind placebo controlled) of postmenopausal women found red clover isoflavone treatment significantly decreased menopausal symptoms and had a positive effect on vaginal cytology (Hidalgo et al., 2005). Red Clover: All … It is a low-growing perennial with trifoliate leaves and purplish flowers (Kuhn and Winston, 2000). Gerard knew it as meadow trefoil or “three-leaved grasse”. Red clover, whose scientific name is Trifolium praetense, was first grown in Europe and has been used for at least 400 years. Some contend that red clover is more effective than soy because it contains two extra isoflavones that soy does not have. For further advice. Pliny suggested using it with wine for urinary stones and recommended the root for dropsy. A concentrated decoction was applied t… As a holy herb in ancient Celts, Red Clover was believed to be an Herb of Immortality and has a deep association with the Sun. History. Hidalgo, Luis A., et al. It is regarded to be highly adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions but it does not tolerate “excessively wet or acid soils” ( Frame et al., 1998), with optimum pH given as 6 . Other names: Wild clover, trefoil, purple clover, meadow clover, honeysuckle clover, cleaver grass, marl grass, cow grass This term also relates to the common name, Clover, which stems from “clava”, meaning “three-leaved”. During the middle ages, red clover was considered a charm against witchcraft. Red Clover Development. “The effect of red clover isoflavones on menopausal symptoms, lipids and vaginal cytology in menopausal women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.” Gynecological Endocrinology 21.5 (2005): 257-264. An expectorant, it may be used for spasmodic coughs. In Ireland, an old remedy for winter colds was to drink clover tea. In 3rd and 4th centuries, Red clover was cultivated in Europe. A syrup made from the infusion is used for stubborn, dry coughs. 01368 840 655 office hours 8am-5pm. Red clover may have value in treating insomnia in children. Red clover is widely used in many ancient traditions including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic healing, and even in North American medicines. Ancient Romans, Greeks and Celts of prechristian worship it. North Atlantic Books, 2011. It has also been used medicinally to treat several conditions including cancer, whooping cough, respiratory problems, and skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) Red clover is a wild plant belonging to the legume family and is often used to relieve symptoms of menopause, high cholesterol, and osteoporosis. Parts used: Flowerheads It does contain genistein, daidzein, and biochannin-A among other isoflavones and concentrated standardized remedies made from this plant deliver these chemicals in an isolated state. Four leave clovers - rare variants arising … In the middle ages the clover was considered a charm warn to ward off evil spirits and witches. During the middle ages, red clover was considered a charm against witchcraft. Kuhn, Merrily A., and David Winston. Prepared by Marvin H. Hall, assistant professor of agronomy The highest yielding strains of red clover are called 'double cut' varieties, normally providing quick regrowth after cutting and several flushes or cuts … Early Christians consider Red clover as the … “Induction of apoptosis in low to moderate-grade human prostate carcinoma by red clover-derived dietary isoflavones.” Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers 11.12 (2002): 1689-1696. Castleman, Michael. This experiment, however, was not blinded or placebo/ alternative medication controlled. Its familiar three-lobed leaves were associated by medieval Christians with the trinity. Element Books, 1988. The use of red clover as an herbal remedy goes back centuries, and the plant enjoys a history of both topical and internal applications. Red Clover History and Folklore. Red clover, a biennial, or short-lived perennial, bears an oval purplish flower head about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. Common name: Red clover The Earthwise Herbal, Volume I: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants. In alternative medicine, red clover is said to help with the following conditions. Red Clover, Purple Clover, Trefoil, Wild Clover, Trébol Morado (Spanish), phenolic glycosides (including salicylic acid), volatile oil (including methyl salicylate and benzyl alcohol). It has pinkish to purple flower head which consists of miniature flowers. Red clover is considered as the oldest crops in the world which was grown since prehistoric times as forage. Traditionally, red clover was used by Chinese, Russian and native Americans to soothe asthma and whooping cough.1 Like soya, red clover contains isoflavones – a type of phytoestro… History: Red clover has a long history of use as a religious symbol, the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Celts of pre-Christian Ireland all revered it (Castleman, 2001). Diseases: Childhood eczema(3), psoriasis(3), bronchitis(3), whooping cough(3), cancer(2) This is strained, and the residue evaporated to semi-dryness then combined with an equal amount of ointment base. It is widely cultivated for hay and as a nitrogen-fixing crop. Tinctures are taken internally for eczema and psoriasis. Warning: Not to be taken by women who are pregnant or are nursing. Its familiar three-lobed leaves were associated by medieval Christians with the trinity. Dried red clover flowers have been used in traditional medicine to treat a wide spectrum of ailments, including jaundice, cancer, mastitis, joint disorders, and respiratory conditions (eg, whooping cough, bronchial asthma), and as a sedative. A traditional cancer cure comes from the hills of Tennessee: “Place two or three teaspoons of red clover blossoms in a cup of boiling water, steep mixture until a tea is formed. This tea has also been used on heart disease, lung disease, and any other serious illness. Science: Red clover is rich in isoflavones, these are biologically active compounds that are naturally present in plant based foods (Atkinson et al., 2004). The flowers were used as the herbal healing. The medicinal benefits of Red Clover were introduced to Western herbalism by Samuel Thomson, who used it topically, prepared as a paste, to treat skin cancers. Red clover is a wild plant belonging to the legume family. Pliny suggested using it with wine for urinary stones and recommended the root for dropsy. Russian folk healers are said to have used red clover for asthma. Its alterative powers are underrated’ (Felter, 1922). Its isoflavone compounds have estrogenic effects. As a topical aid, red clover is often an ingredient in liniments and balms, for relieving the pain of both eczema and psoriasis, for sores, burns, and as an aid against skin cancer. Researchers have isolated four different isoflavones: genistein, daidzein, biochanin, and formononetin. Red clover flavor p rofile . Use cautiously in individuals with bleeding disorders. Growing red clover for silage production circumvents that problem. Samuel Thomson was an herbalist who popularized the use of herbal medicine in pioneer America. Felter did not view red clover as curative for cancer, but thought it slowed its growth. The problem of heavy metals in herbal medicines, A guide to treating insomnia with herbal medicines, The search for herbal treatments for chronic pain. Gerard knew it as meadow trefoil or “three-leaved grasse”. Cattle and other animals graze on red clover. A land development company that strives to build areas and developments that are eye pleasing, functional and price conscious. Click here for information on Organic Red Clover Oil, Filed Under: R Tagged With: bug bite, clover, endocrinology, faboideae, formononetin, isoflavones, nutrients, nutrition, perennial herbs, purple flowers, red clover, red clover blossoms, skin conditions, soybean, trifolium, trifolium pratense. Just fill in the form here. Red clover prefers to grow in a well draining, loamy or clay soil in full sun areas, but can tolerate partial shade. At one time in Chinese history, the dried plant was burned at altars as an incense. Drink one cup a day”. nutrition, medicinal values, recipes, history, harvesting tips, etc.) When gathering the herb in the wild, it is advisable to check the blossoms carefully to make sure they are not moldy, diseased, or sprayed. The four leaf clover was said to have even more power against evil, a five leaf clover was said to be warn by witches to give them evil powers, and a two leaf clover would give a maiden the power to see her future lover. The plants evolve from the crowns. It is very well suited for use as the forage legume in short rotations with corn. View abstract. History. Holistic herbal. White clover, a low creeping perennial, is often used in lawn-grass mixtures and bears a white flower head often tinged with pink. The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1922. Under Pennsylvania weather conditions, however, difficulty drying the herbage enough for safe baling has interfered with its widespread use. Carried to North America compounds which have effects similar to estrogen potential for cancer ( Castleman, 2001 ) 465-471! To treat psoriasis, eczema, and lymphatic cancer sufferers four leave clovers - rare variants …... Weather conditions, however, avoid use of herbal medicine in pioneer America harvesting tips, etc. 1930s it... Pennsylvania weather conditions, and any other serious illness with such purifying herbs as burdock and yellow.... Stimulating secretion of bile England in the 1930s, it may be of in. And is native to Europe, central Asia ( Wood, 2011 ) ) is a low-growing with... Lymphatic cancer sufferers consist of a mass of egg-shaped pink to purple flower head often tinged with pink Old! 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