This species is ranked as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List by BirdLife International (BLI) and as globally secure (G5; last reviewed 1996) by NatureServe (BLI 2009; NatureServe 2011). comm., 2010). Hooded Warbler breeding evidence during Ontario Breeding Bird Atlases, 1981-1985 and 2001-2005 (based on Cadman, Figure 4. 2010. Leberg. Each point is surveyed once (3-minute point count) by an experienced birder during the breeding season. M.Sc. Stutchbury. 2000; Norris and Stutchbury 2001; Melles 2007; Chiver et al. The Appalachian range of mountains running through east Tennessee is along the major eastern flyway and is a great spot to do some spring migration birding. Ratcliffe. Territorial males sing frequently throughout their lengthy breeding season, from when they arrive on territory (early May in Ontario) until they begin their post-breeding moult (late July through September in Ontario). Weir, R.D. 2008. Scattered records with possible breeding evidence (e.g., singing male observed in suitable habitat during the breeding season over a 1-6 day period) have been reported from the southern margin of the Boreal Shield Ecozone (Southern Shield region), including one possible breeding record during OBBA2 (Figure 2). 2011. Extensive targeted searches of known and potential Hooded Warbler (and Acadian Flycatcher) breeding habitat in southern Ontario were carried out in 1997, 1998, 2002, and 2007 (Heagy et al. In 1978, COSEWIC designated its first species and produced its first list of Canadian species at risk. In winter, males compete for territories in humid lowland forest and females occupy mainly disturbed scrub or secondary forest. Second clutches are typically smaller than first clutches. 2009. 2004; PIF 2010; Sauer et al. Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. However, the ecological mechanisms underlying the correlations identified in these empirical studies are not understood. and C.H. At SWCR, single-brooded pairs that are parasitized have the lowest seasonal productivity (0.8 nestlings surviving to 5 days post-hatch), compared to double-brooded pairs that are not parasitized (5.2 day-5 nestlings) (Badzinski and Calvert in prep). 2003. During migrations, the edges along Stone Barn can be excellent for migrating sparrows, which have included Harris’, Le Conte’s and Eurasian Tree. Hooded Warbler population counts and estimates for southern Ontario in 1988, 1997, 1998, 2002 and 2007 (data from Gartshore 1988; Heagy, Table 2. Jalava, J.V., J. D. Ambrose and N.S. Canopy gap habitat can be accurately identified using fine spatial resolution Ikonos imagery but this approach is cost-prohibitive at a larger scale (Pasher et al. The Canadian breeding distribution is restricted to southern Ontario, where it is considered to be a rare or locally uncommon breeder. Is there an observed continuing decline in number of mature individuals? Projected percent increase in total number of mature individuals over the next 10 years. 2009). 165 pp. The Hooded Warbler population in Canada continues to be concentrated in Norfolk County, where survey counts have at least doubled every 5 years. 19 pp. Bird Studies Canada, Environment Canada, Ontario Field Ornithologists, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and Ontario Nature, Toronto. Food supply does not appear to be a limiting factor during the breeding season or during spring and fall migration (Nagy and Smith 1997; Buehler et al. data). 2002; Brown et al. The Species at Risk in Ontario (SARO) list, Updated 29 September 2010. Further to the Terms and conditions for this website, some of the photos, drawings, and graphical elements found in material produced by COSEWIC are subject to copyrights held by other organizations and by individuals. Black-throated gray warbler. 1985. Planning decisions requiring municipal approval must be consistent with the PPS. The lower value of 1000 individuals is very conservative and assumes that the 2007 survey included >85% of the total population (i.e., detected all or most of the territorial birds at the sites that were covered, few or no birds were present elsewhere) and that the population has been stable since 2007. Forest Health Conditions in Ontario, 2009.Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Auk 111(1):63-69. Modelling and mapping potential hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina) habitat using remotely sensed imagery. Once young are fledged, each parent assumes responsibility for feeding approximately half of the brood until young reach full independence at 4 to 6 weeks after fledging (Evans Ogden and Stutchbury 1997). 2009; Chiver et al. and B.J. General Technical Report NE-318. During the second atlas, 5-minute point counts were used to provide relative abundance information. Flather. Canadian breeding population (all in southern Ontario) is estimated to be in range of 1000-2000 mature individuals as of 2011 based on extrapolation from the population count of 436 territorial males in 2007, the extent of potentially occupied habitat not included in the 2007 survey, and the long-term increasing trend. A wildlife species that has been evaluated and found to be not at risk of extinction given the current circumstances. The extent of occurrence (EO) of the Hooded Warbler in Canada, as delineated by the convex range envelope polygon described by all occurrences with probable or confirmed breeding evidence reported during OBBA2 (2001-05), is approximately 50,000 km² (or about 75,000 km² if records with possible breeding evidence are included). Sutherland, pers. The Hooded Warbler is a large-eyed beauty. 1985; Stutchbury 1994; Conway et al. Tara Crewe of Bird Studies Canada provided the graph used in Figure 3. At SWCR, there appears to be significant between-year immigration and emigration of both young birds and adult birds, including several instances of recruitment of birds banded as nestlings at other sites within 20 km and at least two instances of immigration of birds banded as breeding adults at sites 5-15 km away (BSC unpubl. Nest success, fledgling survival, and habitat selection of Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in partially harvested forest fragments. Bird Banding Laboratory. Based on these population increases, the status of this species in Ontario under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 was downgraded from Threatened to Special Concern in 2009. 2002. See Population section for further details on recent changes in distribution and abundance. However, total seasonal productivity is influenced by whether the nest is parasitized and if the pair produces a second brood. Last updated July 2011. Over half of the known Hooded Warbler sites in Ontario are on publicly owned lands, particularly working forests owned by local conservation authorities or municipalities. There has been little net change in forest cover in the Carolinian region, which at 15% overall (versus 72% agriculture) remains well below the 30% minimum threshold considered necessary to maintain forest bird diversity (OMNR 2000, 2006; Environment Canada 2004; Badzinski 2007; Crins et al. Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Eastern North America. As with other neotropical migrants, loss and degradation of wintering and migration stopover habitat is a concern. On the wintering grounds, males and females defend separate territories, chipping at intruders: females in younger, scrubby forests and males in more mature forests. Accessed 26 April 2011. Ziolkowski, Jr, and W. A. Federation of Ontario Naturalists, Don Mills, ON and Long Point Bird Observatory, Port Rowan, ON. Check-list of North American birds, 7th edition. 1997. 2011). Sutherland, Kandyd Szuba, David White, Allen Woodliffe, and Katharine Yagi. 2007; Melles et al. Overwinter survival of neotropical migratory birds in early-successional and mature tropical forests. In most squares within the breeding range of this species, at least 25 point counts were completed (mostly at predetermined roadside locations). Breeding territories are often clustered, with more birds within 200 to 500 m of each other than expected if birds were randomly distributed across available habitat (Melles et al. All available information including historic records, 81 squares with breeding evidence including 130 territories in Norfolk County and 33 territories in Niagara Region, Heagy and Badzinski 2011 (for this report), 500 to 1000 territories in 2010 (1000 to 2000 individuals), 2007 Hooded Warbler survey and recent trends. Global Change Biology 15:1866-1883. Hooded Warblers experience relatively high nest predation rates (e.g., 25-44%) across their range (Sargent et al. Ithaca, New York. 171 pp. 32-48 In Cadman, M.D., D.A. Langin, K.M., P.P. Lutmerding, J. Schwartz, M.W., L.R. Endangered Species Act, 2007. Gartshore, D. Martin, J.D. It is migratory, wintering in Central America and the West Indies. Individuals often return to the same overwintering territory in subsequent years (Chiver et al. There is no substantive evidence to support the alternate view that this species likely occurred widely in the extensive forest habitat present before European settlement but subsequently declined or disappeared due to habitat loss in the 1800s, as suggested in previous status reports (Page and Cadman 1994; James 2000). Tirpak, D.T. However, actual survival probabilities for immatures and adults are likely considerably higher than these estimates, because local survival estimates are confounded by emigration. Would immigrants be adapted to survive in Canada? Calvert, A.M. and D. Badzinski. 2011). Francis and R. S. Rempel. A. and A. S. Love. There is no evidence of population structuring within the Canadian or North American population of this species. (2011). The total number of person-hours of field effort increased with each round of surveys, from 350 field hours in 1997 to over 1600 person-hours in 2007 (Heagy and Badzinski 2008). ; Chiver et al. The Hooded Warbler was assessed by COSEWIC in 1993 and again in 2000 and then listed as Threatened under Schedule 1 of the federal Species at Risk Act when the Act came into forcein 2003. Its breeding distribution at the northern periphery of the range is patchy. Birds of the Kingston Region, 2nd Edition. On close examination, retained juvenile flight feathers can be used to reliably distinguish most young birds (of either sex) through to the end of their first breeding season (Pyle 1997; Chiver et al. 2011). Scientific Name: Setophaga citrina (Boddaert 1783), French Name: Paruline à capuchons Class: Aves. Version 2016.1. The range map used in Figure 1 was prepared with data provided by NatureServe in collaboration with Robert Ridgeley, James Zook, The Nature Conservancy – Migratory Bird Program, Conservation International – CABS, World Wildlife Fund – US, and Environment Canada – WILDSPACE. 37-42 in Bird of Elgin County: a century of change. 2011). Element summary report for Wilsonia citrina. Larson, B. J.L. 2011; BSC unpubl. 2000). Nesting habitat typically becomes suitable a few years after formation of a canopy gap and can remain suitable for several years until the canopy gap closes in again, though there appears to be considerable variation in the timing of gap colonization and abandonment (Gartshore 1988; Robinson and Robinson 1999; Whittam et al. Small changes in the large US Hooded Warbler population could have a significant ripple effect on the small Canadian population. 2007. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 71 pp. Robbins, C.S., D.K. Rich, T.D., C.J. 2001. 706 pp. Females lack the bold black hood, but their yellow cheeks still stand out. 2011). Brandon Trentler. Females can build a nest in as little as 2 days, but it often takes them 5–6 days to complete a nest. Moreover, a recent population model of SWCR population dynamics suggests that breeding numbers are maintained through frequent dispersal into and out of the population, a phenomenon that likely also occurs in other breeding areas (Calvert and Badzinski in prep.). Auk 131:141–149. The Hooded Warbler flits through shrubby understories in eastern forests, flicking its tail to show off its white tail feathers. The Canadian General Status designation ranks for this species are At Risk (1) in Canada and Ontario, and Accidental (8) in all other jurisdictions except Prince Edward Island, Yukon and Northwest Territories, where it has not been reported (CESCC 2006). BBS data have been used to calculate population estimates and population trends at various geographic scales (Rich et al. But those flashes are not the only thing that will draw your attention. A trend analysis of LPBO migration count data for Hooded Warbler for 1961-2010 was provided by Tara Crewe (BSC, pers. The total global breeding range (extent of occurrence) is approximately 2,000,000 km², while the total global wintering range is much smaller at approximately 750,000 km² (derived from Ridgeley et al. Gartshore, M.E. Eagles, and F.M. Iverson, and A.M. Prasad. Kilgo, J.C. and C.E. Hooded Warbler “Every spring my husband and I make a trip to Kanawha State Forest near Charleston, West Virginia, to look for migrating warblers,” says Teresa McClung. 2011). Kyser, and L.M. Wildlife species This species has also experienced a significant long-term population increase and northward expansion in its core range in the United States. Survey effort at most other sites was similar in all surveys (Heagy and Badzinski 2008). There are often other warbler photography opportunities too at the breeding grounds, like for Kirtland’s Warbler and Blue-winged Warblers in Michigan for example. Journal of Biogeography 29:1505-1516. Multiple factors may be contributing to the significant increase in the size and range of the Hooded Warbler population in Canada and continentally including climate change and reforestation in eastern North America. Volunteers and field biologists continue to report Hooded Warbler breeding occurrences to Bird Studies Canada (BSC) and the Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC). 2008. Social factors (e.g., proximity to other birds) appear to influence both nest site selection and territory location within and among sites (Melles et al. Online database, updated 8 August 2011. [accessed 7 November 2011]. Hooded Warbler Migratory Habitat. McFarland, J.D. Population estimates based on these counts that take changes in survey effort and efficiency into consideration indicate the population increased >300% from 1997 to 2007 (Table 2). Many forested areas on private land in southern Ontario have never been searched for this species. 16 pp. USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA. Expanding northward: influence of climate change, forest connectivity, and population processes on a threatened species’ range shift. Efforts to model Hooded Warbler habitat in Ontario at a landscape scale using satellite imagery have had limited success because the coarse spatial and temporal resolution of the Landsat images are not well suited to identifying the specific fine-grained habitat requirements of this species (Pither 1997; Flaxman 2004; Pasher et al. It is a trans-Gulf migrant, wintering mostly in southeastern Mexico and on the Caribbean slope of northern Central America. Is the total population severely fragmented? A male hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina) made a brief appearance one day, followed by some female and male common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas). Francis, and M.E. Females appear to have higher dispersal rates than males (not related to breeding success) but more study is needed (Howlett and Stutchbury 2003; Chiver et al. Stutchbury. No biochemical or genetic studies are available. Parasitism rates are highest early in the breeding season and late nests are infrequently parasitized (Badzinski and Calvert in prep.). Wildlife Monographs 103:1-34. Hooded Warblers do not visit feeders and may only stop off in your yard during migration, but you can still provide habitat for them by landscaping with native trees and shrubs. Stutchbury, B.J.M. 2008. Link. Even so, this species often succeeds in raising two broods to fledging in a single breeding season (early May through September in Ontario). In prep. 2011). Unpublished report for Environment Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program. Gray. Within-season dispersal, nest-site modification, and predation in nesting Hooded Warblers. During spring and fall migration, this species uses both the trans-gulf and circum-gulf migration paths to varying extents and is found in southern Florida and along the Gulf Coast. vii + 11 pp. American redstart. In the forest undergrowth, this skulking warbler seems to call attention to itself by frequently fanning its tail quickly … One study comparing birds wintering in mature versus early-successional forest habitats in Belize found no evidence of a large difference in overwinter survival (Conway et al. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Pp.524-525 In Cadman, M.D., D.A. Ottawa, Ontario. A Final Report to Carolinian Canada and Long Point Bird Observatory, Port Rowan, ON. Version 7.1. Longer-term changes in the extent and distribution of woodlands in southern Ontario have been described by Larson et al. Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Ontario, Second Edition. Over half of the sites are on publicly owned lands, consisting mostly of managed forests that are not formally protected. 2011). The breeding range of this species has been expanding northwards for at least 40 years. 2002; Moorman et al. Previous population estimates (Table 2) are extrapolations based on the number of known occurrences (population counts), and subjective estimates of the amount of good or apparently suitable habitat within the presumed breeding range that has not been searched. If source-sink population dynamics are occurring at the continental scale, then small changes in the productivity of source populations in the US could have large impacts on the trajectory of the small Canadian population (Environment Canada 2011). These local site-level fluctuations do not result in fluctuations in the overall population size over broader geographic regions. Hooded Warblers raise young cowbirds instead of their own young, which frequently perish in the parasitized nests. 2011. Day 3 / April 29 – Dry Tortugas Sunny ENE 12-18 The Hooded Warbler typically nests in shrubs associated with small canopy-gaps within large tracts (>100 ha) of mature deciduous or mixed forests. 732 pp. Endangered Species Act 2007. Is there an observed continuing decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat? Fledgling care and male parental effort in the Hooded Warbler (Wilsonia citrina). University of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, ON. Hooded Warblers typically lay 3 or 4 eggs in cup-shaped nests, 1 m from the ground, that are frequently parasitized by Brown-headed Cowbirds. Ryall, A. Piscopo and T.W. Wilson Bulletin 115(3):277-284. 2008). 2007. Sutherland, G.G. 2011. Gartshore.1987. A wildlife species that may become a threatened or an endangered species because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats. 1997; McCracken et al. There was a significant (>400%) increase in the probability of detection between the 1981-85 and 2001-05 Ontario Breeding Bird Atlases. James. data). High densities can occur following selective logging, provided many mature trees remain. Longevity records of North American birds. Journal of Avian Biology 36:471-477. Females often wrap dead leaves around the bottom of the nest cup as well, making the nest look like a clump of dead leaves. Total field effort in southern Ontario increased moderately during OBBA2 and comparisons between atlases have been adjusted to correct for effort (Cadman et al. 1995). Stutchbury. Habitat degradation has also been identified as a concern as this species requires mature forest and is adversely affected by forest fragmentation (see Breeding habitat requirements, and life cycle and reproduction). Tarof, S.A., B.J.M. 1995. Auk 125(1):183-191. The woods at the west end of Stone Barn Road have had breeding Hooded Warbler. Given the reported average territory size of about 3 ha in Ontario (see Habitat Requirements), the biological area of occupancy over the past decade exceeds 25 km². Sutherland, G.G. Hooded Warblers rarely return to breed at their natal site, whereas adults show relatively strong fidelity to breeding and wintering sites. Eagles, and F.M. CW69-14/11-2012E-PDFISBN 978-1-100-20709-4. Ontario Landbird Conservation Plan: Lower Great Lakes/St. The continued absence of breeding Hooded Warblers in the Kingston area is surprising given the proximity of breeding populations in New York, an increase in forest cover, and the species’ status as a regular rare spring migrant there for more than 30 years (Austen et al. For enquiries, contact us. inding the Hooded Warbler, or any warbler for that matter involves slow attentive walks or driving, constant listening and a lot of patience. A category that applies when the available information is insufficient (a) to resolve a species’ eligibility for assessment or (b) to permit an assessment of the species’ risk of extinction. There are now 34 warbler species within this genus (AOU 2011). Helleiner (eds.). Landscape ecology of birds breeding in temperate forest fragments. Ridgeley, R.S., T.F. Statutes of Ontario 2007, Chapter 6. Ecological Applications 11(6):1692-1708. Straight (eds.). At BSC, Heagy is currently the Bird Conservation Biologist and Badzinski is the Ontario Program Manager. Marra, Z. Németh, F.R. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78:858-863. Condor 102:595-600. 2002. Standardized counts of spring migrants at LPBO show a long-term increasing trend of 3.4%/yr (p<0.0001) over a fifty-year period 1961-2010, 2.7%/yr (p=0.006) over a forty-year period,1970-2010, and 6.2%/yr (p=0.28) for the most recent 10-year or approximately 3-generation period 2000-2010 (Figure 3) (T. Crewe, Bird Studies Canada, pers. McCracken, P. Prevett, B. Stutchbury, D. Sutherland, and A. Woodliffe. Slate Creek Press, Bolinas, CA. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). Several municipalities have designated significant wildlife habitat and significant woodlands in their Official Plans. Auk 114(4):619-627. 2007. The breeding biology of the population in southern Ontario has been the focus of several studies at core sites, including longer-term work at two large (>1000 ha) public forest complexes with the largest known Hooded Warbler population in Canada: the South Walsingham Forest in 1988-98, and the St. Williams Forest (now St. Williams Conservation Reserve, SWCR) in 1999-2010 (both in Norfolk County). Attracting the “non” Feeder Birds. Winters in southern Mexico and Central America. Melles, S.J. 706 pp. Loss and degradation of habitat at migration stopover sites and on the wintering grounds are also identified as potential threats but the magnitude of these threats is not known (Chiver et al. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. McNicol, D.W. Mehlman, B.E. 1998. Bird Studies Canada, Port Rowan, ON. Food supply and parental feeding rates of Hooded Warbler in forest fragments. The current draft of the proposed federal Recovery Strategy identifies 56 sites in Ontario with critical habitat for this species, with a total area of about 9000 ha. Hooded Warbler spring migration count indices 1961-2010 and trend at Long Point Bird Observatory, Norfolk County, Ontario (courtesy of Tara Crewe, Bird Studies Canada). McCracken. Specific threats identified in the recovery strategy include intensive logging that removes all or most mature trees (i.e. 1994; Weir 2008). Eng, M. 2007. Endangered (E) 2000. Uihlein III, J.A. In Ontario, Hooded Warblers are found primarily in mature upland forests, including deciduous and mixed forests and pine plantations (Gartshore 1988; Austen et al. Since 1700, the landscape of southern Ontario has undergone radical changes, from a predominantly forested landscape with small amounts of natural openings (prairie, savannah, alvar, open wetlands) and some areas of Aboriginal agriculture, to almost completely forested following the demise of the Aboriginal people upon contact with Europeans, to almost completely deforested by 1900 due to the wholesale removal of the forests by the early settlers (Larson et al. Stutchbury. In most instances, each site was visited once during June or July by an experienced surveyor who traversed areas of suitable habitat and counted the number of Hooded Warblers observed (mostly singing males). Brewer, D., A. Diamond, E.J. Eng (2007) found significantly higher parasitism at recently logged sites, and in small (<75 ha) patches. 2010. The North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a volunteer-based program designed to monitor trends in breeding bird populations (Sauer et al. hooded warbler. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75:576-581. 107 pp. Bisson, I.A. data). At the Ganaraska Forest site in south-central Ontario, the first case of nest parasitism was not detected until 2010 (e.g., 0 of 12 nests in 2006-07) (Walters and Nol 2011). Norris, E.M. Tuttle, and R.A. Gonser. Available population models are limited by the lack of information on the scope and scale of dispersal movements, especially the lack of quantitative measures of adult emigration rates (see dispersal and migration). Ecology 87:1611-1615. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 2000. They spend the winter in lowland tropical forest, scrub, and brushy fields. 2004. Habitat segregation between the sexes of wintering Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina). Shrubs often near the hooded warbler migration of forests or near shrubby clearings bylaws except for Essex and Chatham-Kent ( 2010... Song of Hooded Warblers ( Wilsonia citrina ) in NatureServe Explorer: an online Encyclopedia of [. 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