Conversely, Oscen is able to keep his power in a system that usually would have seen him deposed by the first upstart-runt who challenged the cripple and inevitably won, because he's backed by a living weapon who can break any and all challengers at once. For any invasion to succeed you either had to have the strength to take on the entire Eldar Empire at the same time or somehow cut the planet off from the Webway. You have theocracies and rival sects on the same or nearby planets who have despised each other as heathens for centuries, and don't feel like dropping that hate just because the Imperium showed up. Nobody knows where or if it was there from the start, or got erected by somebody asking for mercy during construction or the period when the station was lost. Mother and father worked in the T'au PDF equivalent. They consider her special because of the wings, they are a clear and unmistakable omen that shit is going to get real in her lifetime because the last time Sangy's soul wore wings was the founding of the Imperium. Just a blank No. It is thought that the Yu’Vath had emotional centers of their brain that were vastly subservient to their logic centers, allowing them the emotions necessary to worship the Chaos Gods but filtering it through their rationalist worldview. Most non-eldar just chalk it up to a weird xenos thing. One of the highest ranked non-primarch generals of the Warlord, to the point that people were surprised when she wasn't named Primarch. Everybody is masked and uniformed, and then you see this mini-kriegers giggling. The vespid are not forthcoming on the subject although the end goal of terraforming similar worlds to their homeworld seems to be the cultivation of more of the lilies rather than environmental needs of their own. The best candidates would be the Iron Warriors, with the pragmatism and disregard for life turned up to eleven. Even Luther didn't find out about the contents of the Lupus lore until well after his reassignment to Caliban. They love their kingdom of empty space more than any muddy landscape, and their niche has lead to a removed and culturally distinct subset of humanity still closely tied in to the wider Imperial civilization. Quolious does not provide guidance: They are too busy dealing with big stuff for that. The wars end with Lady Malys ordering the full withdraw of all Chaos forces back home. O’Kais is one of the most well-known Tau military commanders alive in 999.M41. They didn’t know the full details of what the Chilliad were protecting. Only things that are agreed upon is that one of the two is a Brain Boy, and even if Ghazghull isn't a Brain Boy he is far more clever than the average Ork. A Man of Gold network spanning the realms of humanity for not quite instant communication and to act as the go-between and bridge the gap between god-like A.I. He was just happy his worshippers were no longer getting sick and dying, whereas the other C'tan were more interested in the souls. It was suspected the Kroot shaper just wanted Kais for his body. His ancestor was famous for having once personally bested the Necron Imotekh the Stormlord both tactically and in personal combat, and all members of his house were expected to follow in his ancestor’s stead. No, this was not okayed by the higher-ups in the Mechanicus, who would have shut it down the second they'd realized the new ship-dock was built to enter the Warp (because that's TECH-HERESY! The Imperium fought him to a standstill when he demanded tribute in human, eldar and demiurge lives for his biotransferance reversal experiments. Case in point, he made a long range mega gravitation inverter. The Diasporex greet the tau and welcome them to their ship where they discus the tenants of The Greater Good and compare similarities to their own philosophies. To him a slave is a slave is a slave, and it doesn’t matter what fancy words you dress it up in to make it sound like it’s okay to you. It's hard to tell because the regiments continue to operate as freakishly well as always but the upper layers of the Stratocracy get really fucking nervous when you mention Terranis. This is not the case. Beyond that damn near nothing is known about them even to the other eldar because they're secretive little bastards and almost certainly up to something. Even before the union between Vect and Malys, he was all in favour of exterminating every citizen of the Dark City down to the last man woman and child. The Imperium is basically on top of things. She would not offer him a way out, not if there is no way out, but she would offer him comfort. Also, there's an Assault Moon. Land was also very good at selling Kelbor-Hal’s ideas to the rest of the Mechanicum due to honesty. You know, waaaay back in one of the old threads (about thread 4 or 5), it was suggested that it was O'Kais who kept what happened in the Kaurava system during Soulstorm from being a complete disaster after Boreale cocked it all up. Tells Dorn that his timing is awful and had he been able to spin his out for a few years, five at most, the Imperium would have been in a position to lend considerable military might to his Rebellion. True, they'd originally been intending the resources for building ships for themselves, but they've given up on that thanks to the dollar-signs the Imperium pays for it. It won't let shit last indefinitely unless you can also make the artillery shell of out actual shells (maybe they can) but it could help you last a lot longer. Farsight also feared that closer relations with the Imperium would change tau culture as he knew it. The then Lord Cypher, that the Lion promoted completely out of the blue over more veteran knights, was actually the only survivor of the Knights of Lupus. Basically, as long as the Black Crusade doesn't get blocked at Cadia and Imperials die it's chalked up as a success. She typically only acknowledges her bastards when she needs something from them or one of them manages to impress her. Possibly they would drop the grudge against the craftworlders if the Eldar either apologized or stopped pretending that the craftworlds were the remnants of the only good parts of the old empire. Another is that the Old Ones were even bigger bastards than anyone thought and told their servant races this as a false motivator. Just like in canon, Perty demands to know if Dorn thinks the same way and Dorn bluntly says "Yes". Good for him and his master. Nord Afrik Conclaves - Calling them a "nation" is probably a bit generous. People from one Segmentum may have never heard of an abhuman breed from the other side of the galaxy and on these worlds abhumans, let alone xenos, run the risk of being labelled mutant by the sheltered populace. The new breed of Zoat have murky memories of their progenitors at best, there was a limit on how much knowledge could be programmed via virus. Then they get to one of the station's worksites and find people with five different wrong types of connector that the workers go through until one of them inexplicably fits, backup tools are stashed in every crevice, and a normally-minor discrepancy with the power intake leading to everybody leaving the floor, seconds before the power-surge the discrepancy heralded wreaks havoc on the floor. A thousand years ago he would have been the very model of a great Fire Warrior. It could be argued that they may not have produced one as their birth was not as violent as Slaanesh or Khorne’s was, and Nurgle in particular would be more likely to drag his birth cradle into a zone of stagnancy in the Warp than create a new hole in reality, but if not these three would have to be at least as old as the dawn of the Cretaceous Era. He was in charge of the planet in the Lion’s absence and although he puts all the blame on the Lion for how the planet turned out pretty much all of the decisions regarding Caliban would have had his direct permission and authorization. 1 Req is just a Req, 10 Req was a DecReq, 10 DecReq (100 Req) was a CetuReq. Even if the Diviner is not a vampire in nature, it appears to be in effect, standing as the progenitor and involved master of one of the eldest traceable lines of Strigoi. Examination of the genes found exclusively in Navigator has proved confusing. Post-Crusade, Solomon Tetrarchus is looking at a demotion/dishonorable discharge for his screw-up of the Crusade, and the Imperium is debating whether to bring in an assassin to deal with him discretely out of fear that he to turn to Chaos. No one would die unless they chose to. And so the race came up with what they thought was the solution. They never even knew that the Ssylth were there. Once one of the greatest warriors in Tau history, During the Tau's political reformation, he, along with the other political hardliners that formed the Farsight Enclaves, walked off because they thought the Imperium's fancy new ideas were having a bad effect on the Greater Good. Although the details of fashion are constantly ephemeral (especially in an Imperium that spans over 10,000 years of history), female Hubworlders tend to wear their hair in masculine, short-cut styles. Ollanius Pius is barely remembered outside of his famous role and he kamikazed a Rok from landing on the Imperial Palace. Spites the 'nids. They were taken to the Sol Void Born Migrant Fleet. In late M32, the planet of Fenris came under attack from Skyrar and his Dark Wolves. Wake up a Tomb World to kill a Hive Fleet, despite the fact that it subsequently goes on a ramapage across the sector? Discover (and save!) When he was "born" he had no equal except for the Old Ones, and therefore no one to push back against him and say no when he went too far. It's not entirely agreed upon where the Marines Malevolent come from. Eldar enclaves typically have strong ties to the craftworlds as most of them are founded from population typically either drawn from one craftworld or a few with similar attitudes. First, surgical sorceries were layered upon the slave to allow him to continue functioning despite massive blood loss and organ trauma. Additionally, although Luther certainly took it that way, the Steward’s nomination of Lion as primarch was not meant to snub Luther. She still thinks of herself as a servant, even if she sometimes holds her self appointed master in disdain. The things it made, terrible things of unfathomable destruction, were all made so that we could operate them. Void Born kind of fell apart as a unified nation after Abbadon the Last because they didn't have a lot of galactic scale ambition or the necessary cat-herding charisma (Horus was charismatic enough that he could have gotten Kurze and Mortarion to do what he wanted, which even Sanguinius couldn't accomplish) and the clans weren't going to start killing each other over who inherited the silverware. - Last words of the original incarnation of Asurmen, before being decapitated by a greater daemon of Khorne. Flayed Ones are still Necrons and even one of their damaged kind is worth a million lesser lives. I remember the sight of the Grand Acropolis, the site of the Old Empire's government and all it's greatest temples. What was previously a unified empire devolved into a series of isolated worlds following warp storms preventing easy travel between planets. Kurze liked to recruit people who had as much of a fucked-up upbringing as he did, particularly people orphaned by war or nightmarish regimes, people who knew firsthand the need for order and justice in the world. Silent King owns the allegiance of many Lords and has a personal army bigger than any two lords combined. The name of … The overall motif of the Imperial Navy and void life in general is Age of Sail-style Wooden Ships and Iron Men (no, not those Iron Men). It's just like the eldar humans have assumed what is actually genetic engineering is natural because everyone has it. One is for the people who actually enforce the laws and their day-to-day application. Frater Mathieu. Given that the people of Caliban have a very knightly theme going on and that they are confirmed to have noble houses then it makes sense that there should be at least one or two Calibanite based Imperial Knight Houses hanging around somewhere on Caliban. Nevertheless, there are enough cultural similarities between them that the Tarellan cultures see themselves as distinctly Tarellian, much like the different Greek or Mesoamerican city-states saw themselves as a distinct cultural unit. Merika - Military junta with state-sponsored capitalism. The actual architecture of a hive stops bearing any resemblance to the blueprints within decades. The Sneks worked for these "people" for a very long time. As the Exodite colony grew and the first generation of Eldar outside of the empire started being born, Asurmen was happy for his brother, but still thought going to live in the middle of nowhere was a bit of an overreaction. Imperium has a general standing order to turn over all discovered STC printouts to the AdMech, or at the very least give them a copy of the data, and otherwise stay out of the Tech-priests' way. In this timeline, Macharius died due to actual misfortune, as opposed to High Lord assassination. However, Corax was still rather skeptical of Khan. Many planets that depended on imports of food or tools from other planets outright starved as a result of this isolation. Orks – Lumped in with Chaos because although they are not outright allied with Chaos, many of Chaos’ greatest victories have been ork-related (such as the War of the Beast) and the Crone World Eldar like to manipulate them into serving as cannon fodder and shock troops (similar to what the eldar do to the Imperium in canon). Eldar ears are covered in mechanoreceptors (mostly microscopic sensory hairs and pits) The pointed shape of the ears, their ability to move independently, and their position away from the body gives the eldar an amazing sense of balance and proprioception, which help contribute to the agility and grace the eldar are so well known for. Knight in Shining Armor : Both in backstory and deed — El'Jonson's code of personal honor meant that he was the only Primarch that Guilliman said he could look up to, who similarly thought that the Lion was the only possible contender for Warmaster other than Horus. Unfortunately, when the Old Empire fell, the Sslyth got corrupted by Slaanesh due to their cultural and trade connections to the Old Empire and became the Laer. Yes, Khaine has murder in his portfolio whereas Khorne technically does not, war is murder, and if you forget that you become as bad as the monsters you’re fighting. The true power in this galaxy, besides his self, of course, must be this great bustling Imperium business that everyone is going on about. The people were insular, isolationist but not overly weird beyond being a race of people living in a nuclear fallout shelter for thousands of years. The Inquisition, Eldar members included, also hates the idea of having a permanent representative on the High Lords, because there is a high risk of any permanent representative to the High Lords of Terra, even a human with rejuvenant treatments, is going to become heavily entrenched in Old Earth politics and gain too much political power at the expense of the rest of the Inquisition instead of doing their job. It’s been mentioned the Tau have started developing their own juvenant technology after meeting the Imperium. Theoretically, anyone can make it just below the top in Commorragh (anyone in this case referring to Trueborn Dark Eldar and to a lesser extent Vatborn), though not the very top because Vect doesn't want someone bungling the whole system and implementing their idea of social order. There are no slums on Kiavahr, the Tenements are about as far down as you can officially sink and although the tenements are not what you'd call pleasant you can live in them. And, of course, the depravity of the late empire and what it led to is well-known. By 999M41 nobody can quite tell where the craftworld ends and the comet starts as the eldar have been gradually sculpting their chunk of ice till it looks like polished slightly blue quartz. Back in the heyday of the Great Crusade, Typhus was born as Calas Typhon on the planet Barbarus.He was the first normal human Mortarion ever interacted with, the one that finally made the young Primarch rebel against his adoptive 'father', the Overlord Necare, in earnest. There are several potential options here. On at least one occasion the Imperium came to his aid after receiving a message, from one of the ambassadorial team's astropaths, indicating that he was having "a spot of bother with some sort of insectoid life form". Most probably go full technicolor teleporting Eversor before they reach adulthood, and the few changelings that hold it together become some of the most unpredictable malignant actors in Imperial space. In contrast to most other groups of Space Marines, many members of the White Scars and their related chapters are literal rather than spiritual descendants of Jaghatai Khan. Humans, on the other hand, are often innately suspicious that said individual is lying, believing that the other individual is hiding some that they plan to use for themselves or increase their social standing. Life is short and hard which is a good way of describing the people that have had to adopt it. Rose to power not through pheromone brainwashing by the Ethereals (which they don’t have since in canon it was engineered by the Eldar in a bid to create reliable allies living tools, which they don’t need in this timeline since they have humanity) but through their own blood, sweat, and tears. It seems that this method of reproduction was present even in the early eldar, but the low reproductive rate was offset by natural twinning, given the high prevalence of multiple births in eldar society (enough that eldar titans are often designed around twins in some way). If there were as many as a hundred survivors left it would be miraculous and what few there were wandered south to warmer climes in the search for other survivors. The best unaugmented soldiers he has ever seen are the surviving Cadians of the 203rd so he pulled strings to get them transferred to being Ultramarine Auxiliary forces so that he could place them where he saw fit. According to what I can find, Tau are at best in the hundreds of billions. By contrast, humans with rejuvenants typically live for just under 1000 years. Because the Black Rage doesn't exist in this timeline, Mephiston got his distinctive appearance from a very difference source. Guilliman’s plan for the absolute worst case scenario, one where the “evil empire” made it all the way to Segmentum Solar and Old Earth fell, was to rally all the assets that could be salvaged and rebuild the Imperium somewhere else. In reality, the Harlequin of Kiavahr is a plant by Cegorach, to keep the megacorps of Kiavahr honest and feuding among themselves. Additionally, like eldar, humans appear to be a naturally monogamous species (or at least require the care of multiple individuals to increase the likelihood of surviving to adulthood). The only real conflict between the Alpha & Omega and the Illuminate Order (and the Ordos they hold high station in) comes when some Illuminati gets some stupid idea and tries something dangerous or treasonous, or in more bureaucratic struggles between what the Illminate might like to do with Cthonia and what the Hydra is already doing there. He micromanaged everything and would promote and demote people on a whim. Individuality only exists so long as it serves to advance the interests of the Silent King. That and his lack of interest in the more philosophical aspects of the Greater Good. There is nothing more oddly terrifying that watching a Jokaero fashion bizarre war gear out of scrap and then shredding Necrons and Chaos Eldar with hand held reality violations. That said, the mechanoreceptors of the ear are calibrated for air currents and balance. No soldier of the greatest nation on Old Earth would gladly allow themselves to be given orders from a savage of the north. In canon, the Grey Knights have a collection of Tesseract Labyrinths they use to imprison particularly nasty daemons, which they had to have gotten from somewhere. There was a population of Bronze Age or Medieval-level Nocturne-descended humans on Caldera, who the Exodites freed during a counter-attack on a Dark Eldar raiding party and granted them asylum on the planet. wasn’t inherently dangerous, and Chaos can’t let people have nice things. The choice is sacrificing most of Ultramar's prosperity in a gamble to save what's left of it or definitely losing all of it by continuing with the status quo. All the old Hub-worlder navy families tended to be of normal height. Name them after the old half-forgotten Necrontyr pantheon, because what else are you going to call them? (If you're wondering, the Tau consider/considered Farsight and Shadowsun their primarch/Phoenix Lord equivalents). In the greater Imperium the holy provision allowing the manufacture of conditioned intelligences so long as they are founded upon the natural 'stone old' mind is seen as too valuable an avenue for refinement and advancement to neglect. Recieve discrete cybernetics and limited gene-forging. Ends in a bloodbath with only Outsider, Deceiver, and Nightbringer standing. Indeed, just like how Imperial Knights were originally designed as megafauna busters and Terminator armor are weaponized hazard suits, most modern Eldar technology is civilian-grade stuff repurposed for a lower tech level. And so they ran. Indeed, it's possible the Eldar came to the conclusion that "this is our galaxy now" when they stuck their head out of the Webway after the War in Heaven and found that all of the other races were either gone or regressed, and over sixty-five million years the historical cause and effect was lost. His helm-cam recorded his progress, his body count that would be the envy of a Warhound veteran, the sheer magnitude of the things he cut down from deranged thralls to Fallen Marines to Chaos Spawn and ultimately Tarkh'ax himself almost single-handedly. In this timeline, Celestine is a distant descendant of Sanguinius whose genes lined up in just the right way that she got the wings and psyker powers of her great^3000 grandfather, since there are no Imperial Saints in this timeline. Meanwhile, in meatspace, the Archmagos on the ship is wondering what the hell is going on. The Nordyc/Skand - Originally just a confederation of loosely allied clans and tribes, the Warlord convinced them to unify into a cohesive nation. The campaign to remove the fungal infection that was the Ak'Haireth was ultimately successful though costly. Arkhan is a planet whose greatest crime is being on the wrong side of history. However, since the setting effectively stops at 999.M41, anything past that point can only be said to be a possible, if non-canonical, future. The Necrontyr might have genuinely thought they were doing the right thing, but they were still massively projecting their own issues onto someone else. Tigurius being raised among the eldar is also supposed to be an explanation as to how the Ultramarines got a psyker that is so damn powerful, as well as a nod towards a certain retconned Ultramarine. Overall, Eldar polytheism is rather similar to ancient Greek polytheism, where you have a core group of more powerful immortals and then a wider group of less powerful gods. There are a few days of communications black outs due to "faulty equipment" and some "regrettable accidents" that see some of the officers dead and Praefectus Adran commits suicide after a long period of depression. The fact that Isha was the goddess of motherhood and family as well as fertility was quietly glossed over, because the more weird and unusual aspects of Isha worship were what was more immediately obvious (kind of like how Romans saw early Christians as cannibals). Luther persuaded Belath to wait prior to departing in order to throw a grand feast to celebrate this grand occasion (anyone who has watched Game of Thrones probably has a good idea where this is going). None of the agents spoke to Eldrad again, they didn't try to kill him for what he had done because they understood but they couldn't forgive him. He would never kill an Exarch, much less an Avatar of Khaine, just to temper his weapon. Rather tellingly, despite having only the “short range” point defense systems activated, the Tomb of Horus is considered to be on par with one of the Five Big Bastards. That's just exchanging one type of weakness for another. I.e., stuff that is not covered in the codex entries. Survival lies in defying the darkness.++, ++Thought for the Day: We are heirs to a tradition that has lasted unbroken for ten thousand years. It’s not until they join the Imperium proper that they get to send their missionaries and observers deeper into Imperial Space. There are the Starchild Prophecies, but the Starchild prophecies are often vague and many of them actually don't say the birth of the Starchild is a good thing. Turns out Ferrus had been smuggling dissidents and likely targets of Vandire’s purges out of major population centers through places like Orioc and Forge Worlds for years and hiding them on Sarpedon, because it was the best place to hide people who can’t survive in a Mechanicus factorum.

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