After looking at the code, this is caused by the way dotnet test is executed. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. @poulsky , @omajid if you can share the logs that would also help us. No test is available in /home/omajid/temp/test/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.0/test.dll. This dotnet SDK was compiled from the v3.0.0-preview6-27804-01 tag of source-build. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, 2020 Stack Exchange, Inc. user contributions under cc by-sa, Since it's core and you're using xUnit, you need xUnit and the, It would be helpful if you could provide a. I forgot to add that I can also not run the tests from within visual studio. Any Ideas what could be going wrong here? should help. Yeah. Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Like this: Then I just dotnet restore to bring in the tool. Can someone move this issue to the source-build repo? I hadn't noticed. I used ILSpy to do that in the past to figure out what was different about a source-built mono/linker tool vs. the prebuilt. The dotnet cli’s test command can be run on any msbuild project or solution, yet it fails when run on non-test projects and prints errors like:. Search for: dotnet core repo github. Base Path: /usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk/3.0.100-preview6-012264/, Host (useful for support): Dotnet Tools offer a simple way to create, publish and consume what are essentially .NET Core applications that can be published and shared using the existing NuGet infrastructure for packaging and distribution. OS Platform: Linux So the commands in full (starting in the folder that contains the project.json file) dotnet publish cd bin\debug\netcoreapp1.0\publish dotnet YourProject.dll IIS; You can host it in IIS. Commit: N/A, .NET Core SDKs installed: DOT.NET Online test - 10 questions to practice Online DOT.NET Test and find out how much you score before you appear for next interview and written test. Here's the log file from dotnet new xunit && dotnet test --diag:log.txt source-build-log.txt. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on DOT.NET help you evaluate your knowledge and skills yourself with this CareerRide Quiz. I've been investigating this a bit. Hilmar Bunjes reported Oct 01, 2019 at 02:13 PM ... No test assemblies found on the test machine matching the source filter criteria or no tests discovered matching test filter criteria. You can also provide a link from the web. The logs can provide us better info. You could consider decompiling the xunit DLLs and diffing the results. While the dotnet tool simplified running tests a long time ago (dotnet test in the working directory is enough), dotCover.exe still required you to specify a lot of arguments in order to run tests, like an absolute path to the dotnet.exe, path to a .dll with tests, and others. It's easy to manually repro this on Windows too, by the way (if you have 3.0.100-preview6-012264 installed): @vitek-karas took a look at corehost logs I sent offline (COREHOST_TRACE=1, COREHOST_TRACEFILE=t.log) but he didn't see anything to indicate the host is involved in this. @rickvdbosch this solved it. visual studio 2019 version 16.3 preview 3 windows 10.0. dyaw reported Oct 03, 2019 at 08:56 PM . “dotnet new mstest –name MyTest –no-restore” The command creates a directory name “MyTest” only if doesn’t exist and then creates a new “NET Core MS Unit Test” project having the name of MyTest inside the directory, additionally, the command does not restore the dependencies required by the project. RID: fedora.30-x64 If there were a problem there, a hard failure would be expected anyway, not just failing to find extensions. But, if you feel you want to be more productive by running the common tasks like building the app, running the tests at the stroke of a few key combinations, then VS Code is the way to go. It's an ideal test for pre-employment screening. Version: 3.0.100-preview6-012264 The C# and .NET online test assesses candidates' knowledge of programming in the C# language and their knowledge of the .NET Framework.. dotnet test should fail when it can't find any tests. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. See @dagood Here's a Dockerfile that should reproduce the issue: I repro'd, and also ran a Msft dotnet on the "bad" bin dir in the same container, and that repro'd the bad behavior. Show comments 1. At this point I've got a HelloWorld app and a basic test but the two aren't related - They aren't attached and nothing real is being tested. With .net core comes a new way to build and run unit tests with a command line tool named “dotnet test”. Tests are libraries and don't have an entry point, so dotnet run isn't what you want. I don't know how to figure out why whatever's using the deps file isn't interpreting \u002b as +. December 13, 2020 Uncategorized Uncategorized dotnet YourProject.dll Note that you don't call "dotnet run YourProject.dll" -- leave out the run for this one! The JSON parsing code in xunit is pulled in from a package reference. My guess is for some reason xUnit adapters were not dropped along with test dll, which is why we failed to discover/run tests. However, recently I wanted to also run my tests using dotnet test to fit into a existing test suit and build script. They arent discovered, even though I do have the xunit.runner.visualstudio package installed. The dotnet test command launches the test runner console application specified for a project. When you start looking for information how to run unit tests for .NET Core based projects in the command line, you will most probably stumble upon dotnet CLI and its dotnet test command. This works with Microsoft-built .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6 but not with self-built .NET Core using source-build. Let's use the deps.json from xunit_ms and replace xunit_ms with xunit_sb: What's the difference between the deps.json files? Run `dotnet test` with code coverage tracking by OpenCover 2. Tried mstest as suggested by @mayankbansal018 and no received no errors. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" and framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Azure DevOps test. The deps file is consumed by the host. cc @vitek-karas, the hashes are actually the same, since \u002b is +, Aha! We already have the categories specified through annotations on the test classes [TestFixture] [Category("TestSuite.Unit")] class UnitTest We have migrated this application and tests to ASP .Net Core. Note that if you are more of a xUnit person you can replace mstest in the command with xunit which will create a xUnit test project. dotnet new mstest && dotnet test works with both. By default Expecto tests won't be discovered by dotnet test but the good news is it's only two packages and an attribute away from working with both run and test.. 3.0.100-preview6-012264 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk], .NET Core runtimes installed: "dotnet test -- RunSettings" doesn't pass settings to test. Have a question about this project? @mayankbansal018 do you have some thoughts on how the deps.json file could be affecting the resolved assemblies for tests? On the deps file creation side, I know a little more. The -xml and --work options no longer work as they are not part of the options provided by the test CLI. This causes all the test projects to be executed, but of course only one of them contains tests matching the test filter. I have a project where I can not run the tests using dotnet test while my colleague can. The dotnet-test takes a project file as input (testapp.csproj) to run the tests. dotnet test supports the inner loop, where as dotnet vstest is the entrypoint for advanced scenarios (like IDE/Editor integration). Deps file production uses System.Text.Json, which escapes. Click here to upload your image “dotnet new nunit –name MyTest –language F#” The command creates a directory name “MyTest” only if it does not exist and the creates a new “NET Core NUnit Test” project containing NUnit tests, the programming language for the project created is F#, and the extension of the project is .fsproj.Additionally, the command also restores the dependencies required for the project. OS Version: 30 It's y quick and easy to build tools that you can share either publicly or privately. I will get xunit.runner.console now and try again on the CLI. 4. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" and framework version settings are appropriate and try again. Generate an HTML … The plugin is available for download from the TeamCity plugin gallery and can be installed as an additional TeamCity plugin. I guess some library involved in source-build nuget restore or deps file generation likes to escape characters more. Open a .NET Core test project, or set dotnet-test-explorer.testProjectPath to the folder path of .NET Core test project. The reason why the non-source-built SDK was working is that we were accidentally still using DependencyModel 2.2. privacy statement. There is a difference between Microsoft and source-build .NET Core, so I think this needs a fix within one of the .NET Core repos. I've looked into this further and traced down the issue to xunit json parsing: xunit/xunit#1980. I've never done this and don't intend to. That means, there are no test runners which can execute these tests To add the dotnet-test-mstest test runner, add the below line of code to the project.json "dotnet-test-mstest": "1.0.1-preview" Run the dotnet restore command to restore the package.If you encounter the below error, modify the dependencies as below: I remember have used -xml in the past and it worked but it doesn't anymore.. You can see all the options for CLI .NET Core 2.x here. 2.1.403 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk] If all tests are successful, the test runner returns 0 as an exit code; otherwise if any test fails, it returns 1. Version: 3.0.0-preview6-27804-01 VB.NET program that uses String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Test a Nothing String.Dim test1 As String = Nothing Dim test2 As String = " "If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test1) Then Console.WriteLine(1) End If If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test2) Then Console.WriteLine(2) End If Dim test3 As String = "Sam" If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(test3) Then Console.WriteLine(3) ' Not reached. [release/3.0] Use a relaxed JavaScriptEncoder for writing JSON to disk. Using System.Diagnostics.Trace, library consumers are constrained to listen to Traces, and coded this way, there is no categories to enable them to filter out those trace logs. My two cents: the hashes are actually the same, since \u002b is +. You can also dotnet watch run, etc. That command creates a new unit test project using MSTests in a new folder with the name DotNetCoreSampleApi.Tests. The project does have a reference to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk and the target framework is dotnet new xunit && dotnet test. That’s a really great description, perfectly worded. This looks like a source-build issue. dotnet-test flow. ; Depending on the consumer logging system, they may need to redirect my Trace output. dotnet new mstest -o DotNetCoreSampleApi.Tests. The list of files and directories created by the command are given below: The error message I get is, The project does have a reference to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk and the target framework is. Looking at the diag host log: We have improved performance, reliability, and made it easier to adopt for people who are familiar with Newtonsoft.Json.In this post, I’m going to talk about the progress that has been made with System.Text.Json, and what’s going to come next. It was so weird that using 'different' hashes caused things to work, but in fact, they were not so different 😄. A variable of a value type directly contains its value. Copied from original issue: dotnet/cli#11663. (Even better if it runs standalone in a Docker container.). Let’s look at the flow. Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.0.0-preview6-27804-01 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App], To install additional .NET Core runtimes or SDKs: Dotnet cli is a great tool to work with the dotnet core apps in Mac/Linux. So they should have the exact same set of issues. DependencyModel recently started using System.Text.Json instead of Newtonsoft.Json. @ayoung commented on Thu Jun 15 2017 I'm running dotnet test targeting netcorapp1.1. Otherwise I will close this and open one there myself. 2.2.107 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk] Use a relaxed JavaScriptEncoder for writing JSON to disk. You can create custom tasks in VS Code and that can be triggered by setting your favorite key combinations. So with source-build .NET Core: now, let's copy the output of the xunit_ms folder into the xunit_sb folder: using the source-build dotnet, testing both: This is weird. The option to run and debug test that appear in the code lens are provided by the omnisharp plugin and has nothing to do with this extension. I had copied over a bunch of files from xunit_ms: The xunit_ms dll also runs successfully with the source-build dotnet when only copying over: xunit_ms.deps.json, xunit_ms.dll, xunit_ms.pdb,, xunit_ms.runtimeconfig.json. Then, you will see all the tests in Test Explorer. dotnet new mstest && dotnet test works with both. @mayankbansal018 Sorry about that. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. The idea was that due to the change of JSON parsing library in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel, the old version would have trouble parsing the new json file - but it seems to work OK (vstest does indeed use the DependencyModel APIs to parse the .deps.json). Based on this, I think it's (even more) safe to focus on the deps file as the cause. This leaves the diff as: I don't have ready access to a 3.0 Preview 6 source-built SDK (my focus is dotnet/core-setup right now), is it possible to share your repro bits? Trying to do this is what pushed me to do this write up. The problem. Nothing represents the default value of a data type. Tests are run with dotnet test, not dotnet run. ` Anyways here are environmental info: Let me know if this can be closed. Otherwise I will close this and open one there myself. Running dotnet core tests does not find runsettings any longer. C# 7.0 introduces the notion of patterns, which, abstractly speaking, are syntactic elements that can test that a value has a certain “shape”, and extract information from the value when it does. Next the .NET Core SDK has to be installed on your build agent machines. I tried to look at the vstest code to figure out where it goes wrong, but no luck. Remarks. I also having problems using xunit. And here is the result of dotnet test --diag:log.txt Commit: be3f0c1a03, Runtime Environment: (max 2 MiB). (I imagine it's forced up via package version props, as expected.) Sign in Already on GitHub? NOTE: Due to OpenCover being Windows only, this tool will only work on Windows Features 1. Further, we can't really rely on the xunit fix as we need to be able to run dotnet test on projects using older xunit with latest SDK. To output the test results using the dotnet test option --results-directory you have to also set --logger.. While the overall syntax of writing tests using MSTest, XUnit or NUnit hasn’t changed, the tooling has changed substantially from what people are used to. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Debugging Test Projects. That’s a lot to … The test runner executes the tests defined for a unit test framework (for example, MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit) and reports the success or failure of each test. In order to start the tests, I don't write dotnet test, I run "dotnet watch test." We think there's probably some xunit or vstest code trying to find test adapters, also trying to parse this file for some reason. .NET 5.0 was released recently and has come with many new features and performance improvements.System.Text.Json is no exception. to your account, From @omajid on Friday, June 28, 2019 9:56:30 PM, The generated UnitTest1 class with the single Test1 is executed and the test is marked as passed. dotnet test doesn't work on .NET Core 3.0 Preview 6, --- xunit_sb.deps.json 2019-07-03 09:43:56.920221598 +0200, +++ xunit_ms.deps.json 2019-07-03 09:30:11.838834146 +0200. The dotnet test command is used to execute unit tests in a given project. OS Name: fedora With this error, dotnet test is returning a zero (that is: success) exit code. Make dotnet test work on solution files. Obviously this is not great advice if you enabled @dotnet-sig/dotnet-preview intentionally to identify source-build specific issues. Without the testProjectPath override, the tests are executed against the solution file (which is valid for dotnet test). I can see that you also run Fedora 30, so maybe a dotnet-sig problem? Wherever the deps file is consumed isn't handling utf-escaped chars. Sorry for the noise. I am using the following packages to run NUnit through "dotnet test" by specifying the testrunner as nunit.